Saturday, 28 July 2012

Old Wooden Furniture

Antique or older furniture and accessories are a great investment:

The use they get
won't cause them to lose their value
like new or modern goods.

 Chips and scratches in old wood can enhance it's appearance. Just add a bit of wax, oil or furniture polish. In the long run this attractive older furniture will cause a lot less trouble and won't need replacing.
Give pieces to those who appreciate " the Look "
They can become an heirloom.
They hardly ever look ugly-
although the simpler the design the better

for longterm delight.

He gives the rejects His hand and leads them step by step.
Psalm 25 The Message.

Friday, 20 July 2012

A Photo Bowl.

Do you have lots of photos
in boxes or files
that you hardly ever look at?

Find a nice bowl or purchase a recycled glass one like this, put into it photos that are themed. For example, the garden before and after. The kids when they were very young. The holiday in Europe and so on. In this way photos will be picked up by visiting friends or family and lovely memories recalled.
     Every couple of weeks change the theme so there are always some new ones to talk about and enjoy.

I delight far more in what you tell me about living than in gathering a pile of riches.Psalm 119 The Message.

Monday, 9 July 2012

One Way to Become Happier.

This may take a few weeks.
But you will notice a real difference
in your happiness level.
Keep a small journal
called WWW or What Went Well
3 Blessings.

Every night before going to bed, write down 3 things that went well that day.
It can be very specific, for example: All the dishes got washed.
                                                  I wrote the letter I've been putting off 
                                                  It was fun at work today.
Or it can be more general:I'm alive!
                                    I love my family.
                                    God loves me.
Talk to your children or spouse in the evening and ask them: What went well today? Great for a positive end to a possibly difficult day.

Psalm 18 The Message: I feel put back together, and I'm watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.