Monday, 25 June 2012

Celebration at Work

To show gratitude at work or celebrate a job finished or the end of term, have a work room picnic.
The night before pack up a basket with a tablecloth, crackers, brie and grapes or some sweet treats and a bottle or two of Champagne or bubbly grape juice. Add some through away plastic wine glasses. 
Chill the wine when you get to work. 
Bring the work picnic out at morning break or afternoon tea time. 
Joining with colleagues to celebrate small achievements spreads
enthusiasm and happiness

decreases stress hormones and increases positive mood.

God's word is better than a diamond, better than a diamond set between emeralds. You'll like it better than strawberries in spring, better than red, ripe strawberries.Psalm 19 The Message

Create New Brain Pathways.

When people are encouraged
or taught how to reduce
their anxiety, lift their mood
and be more positive 
they can fundamentally change the chemistry,

anatomy and physiology of their brain networks.
The brain also dampens down pain
if it is distracted.

Good reason to celebrate almost every good thing in your life. Don't let a birthday pass by without doing something special, no matter how old you are.
A cake, a walk that ends at a coffee shop, a deposit on something you'd love to buy, a photo, a CD, a drive out of town, take-aways in the car or at the beach are all simple ways to lift your mood and dampen pain in your body or soul.

Celebrate God all day,every day. I mean revel in Him! Philippians 4. The Message.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Creative Flow

Make notes
on particular places,
situations, atmospheres,
descriptions and incidents.

Though unrelated
they may be pulled together
much later on.

Descriptions of people, mannerisms, speech, appearance, peculiarities and character need to be noted. Don't worry about joining the dots - Your creative flow will do that for you. Sometimes by surprise - When you aren't trying hard.

Psalm 25 The message - He gives the rejects His hand and leads them step by step.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Create a Space.

Under a tree
Is the perfect spot for 
a dining table.

Hang lanterns from the branches. Provide an outside sink and bench if you can afford it. Crumbs won't be a worry and kids can play in the garden as you finish your coffee. Going outside can change the whole dynamics of a gathering so everyone feels more relaxed and the purpose of getting together, sharing your life, becomes easier away from the house and its reminders of work.

There are no strangers in the Kingdom- only friends we haven't met

Monday, 4 June 2012

Textural Colour

One colour 
is enough if you vary the fabric
and texture.
For example if it is white
for manchester,
use cotton, linen, satin, damask and silk
This layer upon layer
and tone on tone

looks extremely classy.

Quote from North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell " She had never come into contact with the taste that loves ornament, however bad, more than the plainness and simplicity which of themselves are the framework of elegance".

Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. 
                                  The Message.Psalm 23.   

Friday, 1 June 2012

Creative Colour - Red

energizes a living area.
Not too much:
Just a vase or a cushion
a lamp or a painting.

Put  red objects together in the same room for maximum impact. Look around your home for objects of the same colour, maybe blue or brown, move them into a space where they can work together. They will create a greater effect if they are in the same area.

God, brilliant Lord, Your name echoes around the world. 
     The Message. Psalm 8.