Friday, 25 May 2012

Let in more light!

To let in more light
wash your windows
using this easy mix:
1/4 cup of white vinegar,
2 cups of water,
a drop of liquid soap.
Shake together in a spray bottle.
Wipe clean with a cotton cloth 
or some newspaper.

God I love living with You; Your house glows with your glory.
Light, space, zest - That's God!
                     Psalms 26 and 27 The Message.

Staying Creative - Don't over think!

The key to staying creative is to lose self doubt.
This creativity can be in garden design, cooking, writing, painting, teaching, photography--
       or finding a better way to do something.

Don't over think!
Be interested in things around you,
let your curiosity be sparked.
Silence your inner critic.
" You don't have any talent,
what's the point?
It's all been said before
others do a better job,
you might fail"


Quote from 'North and South' by Elizabeth Gaskell. Brother to sister "Thinking has many a time made me sad, darling, but doing never did in all my life. Do something, do good if you can, but at any rate do something!"

Friday, 18 May 2012

A Creative Mindset

Our mindset, or the way we think, can spur, or on the other hand, kill our chance of creative success.
Both our thoughts and our feelings contribute to our mindset.
If we doubt the value of our input or idea our creativity will dry up.

Have courage,
take a risk,
let go of perfection.
You may discover
a core passion
long buried.

Use all Your skill to put me together, I wait to see the finished product. Psalm 25 The Message.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Being Creative

Finding creative solutions in life,
or breakthroughs,
often comes from those who are rank amateurs.
They don't know so much that they can't see
the possibility
of a totally new answer.

A physical outsider
sees things in a new way.
Often moving location
brings the benefit of a creative answer.
Moving outside, walking to another street, 
another city, another workplace,
meeting new friends, or even moving into the next room
can liberate your mind from stale thoughts.

The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren't small, but you're living them in a small way. I'm speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives.
Live openly and expansively!    2 Corinthians 6 The Message.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

To Get Creative - Get Happy.

Positivity helps to generate ideas: research has shown that in work situations, when people are in a good mood they solve more problems and think more creatively. This even carries over to the following day.

How do you get happy?
Small achievements
generate positivity.
Set yourself an easy task
that you know you can accomplish.
This will spur your creative flow.

I'm thanking You God, from a full heart, I'm writing the book on your wonders. Psalm 9 The Message.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Reason to be Happy. #2.

   Creativity is in us.

Creativity is not reserved for the few, but is a basic driving force common to all of us. Whether it's taking care when arranging things, finding a quicker way to do something, finding an answer to a problem or adding your own style to a traditional recipe.
Creativity,whether professional 
or domestic,
uses the same set of skills:
The ability to reflect,
be curious,
and to be inspired.

  • Trim your old magazine pages
  • Let them fall on a page of white or colored paper
  • Arrange in a pleasing composition
Text can add a message.         This Cubist-style collage would look professional in a white mount with a black frame.

God, brilliant Lord, yours is a household name.
Psalm 8 The Message.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Reason to be Happy.

Reasons to be happy. Number 1
[Of course there are hundreds]
The sun is warm and its light
makes everything
look beautiful
even weeds!

If it's a grey day, or cold where you are, you know the sun is coming, it never fails.

God's works are so great,worth a life time of study-endless enjoyment. Splendor and beauty mark His craft.Psalm 111.The Message.